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Habitat for Humanity of Delaware & Union Counties
This year we are sponsoring two projects with Habitat for Humanity. Our first project was a Critical Home Repair project with Habitat for Humanity MidOhio on Rossyln Avenue in Columbus. Our second project is a New Home Build with Habitat for Humanity of Delaware and Union Counties on Fair Avenue in Delaware. This page reflects our service on Fair Avenue.
The photos below are from April 6, 2019 when the home was dedicated.
Note: You may click on any photo below to get a better view.
Project history:
- August 23, 2018 - Groundbreaking ceremony.
- September 8, 2018 - Views of the home site after the dig and the footers have been poured.
- September 12, 2018 - Put water proofing on the exterior house block walls, covered the waterproofing with 2†foam insulation, dug the hole for the sump pump, set sump, and trenched a line for the interior drain line and laid half of the line.
- September 15, 2018 - Finished installing the crawl space drainage pipe, leveled out the additional gravel, and installed sill plates on the house foundation.
- September 19, 2018 - Constructed, shimmed, and centered the large central beam, re-checked the sill plates along the block wall, established the line on the plates for the floor joists, cut to length and set in place three joists and replaced a small piece of blue board.
- September 22, 2018 - Completed the installation of the floor trusses, the access framing for the crawl space, the end blocking, and the rim boards.
- September 26, 2018 - Cancelled due to rain.
- September 29, 2018 - Laid the decking (glued and nailed with air guns), toenailed the bandboard and then caulked missed seams, trimmed corners where bandboards overlapped, rolled water sealer on the deck, marked decking for exterior wall locations, installed northeast corner and all but one eastern wall.
- October 3, 2018 - Adjusted one eastern wall section end stud, cut out most window and door openings, adjusted widths of two exterior wall sections, adjusted OSB on one exterior wall section, moved concrete blocks to allow for fill dirt to be dumped, and completed the installation of all exterior walls except the front door panel.
- October 6, 2018 - Ran a string to plumb the exterior walls, raised and secured all but two interior wall sections, raised and secured the final exterior wall, almost completed the QA and nailing of the OSB sheathing on the exterior walls and began adding cap plates on the interior walls.
- October 10, 2018 - Adjusted the placement of the wall between the two rear bedrooms, extended the north-south kitchen wall, resized the crawl space access hole to allow us to raise that closet's walls, finished raising all interior walls (by raising the two closet walls), shortened the wall next to the laundry closet, continued adding cap plates to the house's walls, added OSB to all exposed exterior house walls, built the header for the garage car door and man door, built a new window header for the full bathroom, and measured for the garage stud lengths to match the house level.
- October 13, 2018 - Finished QA'ing the OSB nailing on the house, corrected the full bathroom window opening, corrected the laundry closet door opening, finished the cap plates on the house, built, raised and sheathed the garage walls and began cap plates on the garage walls.
- October 17, 2018 - QA'ed the OSB nailing on the garage, finished cap plates on the garage walls, ran a string on the exterior house and garage walls and adjusted and braced as needed, added drywall nailers where needed for inside corners, added window cripples where they were missing, began caulking OSB seams, dug two of four front porch holes for footings, began deadwood for kitchen cabinets, and sanded the high spot on the crawl space access hole adjustment.
- October 20, 2018 - Dug the remaining porch holes, completed caulking the exterior OSB and wall baseplates, drilled holes in the floor to allow water to drain, moved the garage trusses so the main house trusses could be accessed, assembled the rakes for the porch and rear gable trusses, attached insulation board to the rear gable truss and the rake temporarily attached, attached insulation board to the front main gable truss, attached insulation board to the porch gable truss, completed deadwood in the kitchen, and cut the rake legs for the garage gable.
- October 24, 2018 - Removed the rake from the rear gable truss, corrected a cap plate issue, marked the truss layout on the cap plates, assembled strongbacks and attached to the rear house wall, hoisted the rear gable truss atop the house, added the ledger boards and rake to the rear gable truss and mixed and poured concrete in the porch post holes.
- October 27, 2018 - Cancelled due to rain.
- October 31, 2018 - Began putting up insulation board, moved five trusses on top of the house, and left when the rain hit.
- November 3, 2018 - Raised two gable house trusses and the 25 trusses between them.
- November 7, 2018 - Added two catwalks to the house trusses, finished the first row of insulation board on all but the rear of the house, installed hurricane clips on the house trusses, prepped a garage truss, added permanent bracing for the rear house truss and started permanent bracing for the front house truss.
- November 10, 2018 - Completed permanent bracing for the front house truss, finished the bottom row of insulation board on the rear of the house, plumbed all house trusses, raised all garage trusses that rest on garage cap plates, put in permanent bracing for the garage gable truss, began catwalks for garage trusses, began framing the front porch deck, and began laying roof sheathing.
- November 14, 2018 - Began the second row of insulation board on the house, installed hurricane clips on the garage trusses, completed catwalks for the garage trusses, plumbed all raised garage trusses, completed framing the front porch deck, and began nailing up subfascia.
- November 17, 2018 - Sheathed as much of the house roof as possible without the porch trusses up, continued putting up insulation board, filled in the porch post holes, erected two 4x4 posts and began laying the porch deck material.
- November 28, 2018 - Finished the 3-inch nailing pattern on the garage sheer wall, laid the decking on the front porch, and added deadwood for ceiling drywall.
- November 29, 2018 - Habitat Delaware Thursday Group raised porch posts, beams and trusses.
- December 1, 2018 - Cancelled due to rain.
- December 4, 2018 - Habitat Delaware Tuesday Group continued sheathing the house roof.
- December 5, 2018 - Put hurricane clips on the front porch trusses, finished the insulation board on the house, added catwalks, bracing and strongback to the porch gable truss, sheathed most of the garage roof, built and installed the house attic access hole, marked insulation boards for stud placements and raised all but one garage truss atop the house roof.
- December 8, 2018 - Added bracing for garage roof truss extension over the house, finished sheathing the house and garage roof, added blocking to the garage door opening for garage door rails and opener, prepped windows for window installation, framed garage attic access hole, added blocking for porch beams, cut out bottom wall plates in door thresholds, removed all wall bracing in the house and garage, cut (but did not install) cornice returns, and added deadwood in inside corners for secure baseboard installation.
- December 12, 2018 - Contracted professionals shingled roof.
- December 13, 2018 - View of house with roof shingled.
- December 15, 2018 - Swept the home interior, added cornice returns, installed and taped all windows, and installed two exterior doors before the day had to be canceled due to rain.
- December 17, 2018 - Built one cornice box.
- December 19, 2018 - Completed the cornice boxes, finished caulking the inside to exterior walls along the flooring, between upper and cap plates, and around headers, installed exterior door locks and lock box, wrapped garage with Tyvek with the front wrap pulled back for inspection, installed F-channels along the east and west house walls, and established the siding starter strip locations, and the electrician installed the J-blocks for siding.
- December 22, 2018 - Installed the garage access door and lock, finished garage wrap, trimmed garage door, replaced the porch beam side trim boards with a full 6†board, installed F-channel around the house and on the porch, hung aluminum J-channel for 45 degree soffit support, installed soffit on the west and east sides of the house and part of garage, and installed porch corner trim.
- December 26, 2018 - Added 1x4 SmartTrim around all non-porch windows, added J-channel around all window SmartTrim, hung all vinyl corner posts, hung almost all starter strip, completed horizontal soffit on the house and garage eaves, completed F-channel and soffit on front house gable, hung F-channel on the rear house gable, and hung about two-thirds of the rear house gable soffit.
- December 29, 2018 - Finished the mounting boards for the front porch window shutters, sealed J-boxes with tape, finished the SmartTrim on the porch beams, cut the vinyl corner posts to the proper length, wrapped the garage door openings with J-channel, added J-channel under the eave soffits, finished soffit on the two remaining gables, added wire panels to the front porch wall for the stonework, wrapped one cornice box with aluminum and measured for all other cornice boxes, added deadwood in both bathrooms for medicine chests, swept mud in house and garage multiple times, and began hanging vinyl siding on the rear of the house.
- December 31, 2018 - Bent aluminum for the remaining cornice boxes.
- January 2, 2019 - Added additional nails to the wire panels on the front porch wall for the stonework, finished wrapping the cornice boxes with aluminum, hung vinyl siding to volunteer height on both sides of the house and the rear of the garage, and put fascia aluminum on the three gables and the west eave of the house.
- January 5, 2019 - Finished the fascia aluminum, finished the vinyl siding on the house and garage (except for the front gable where we await the appropriate material), caulked between SmartTrim boards under the windows, painted the SmartTrim boards for the porch frame and painted the SmartTrim around the bathroom window.
- January 7, 2019 - Put a first coat of exterior paint on most of the SmartTrim and the front exterior door frame.
- January 8, 2019 - Finished first coat of paint on all SmartTrim, caulked SmartTrim, finished second coat of paint on all SmartTrim, painted first coat of paint on garage man door brickmould and caulked between windows and SmartTrim.
- January 9, 2019 - Laid Visqueen in the crawl space, added deadwood for garage ceiling drywall, added studs and straps on both sides of the garage opening, added a piece of decking in the garage attic space, wrapped the porch deck with SmartTrim, added deadwood for the bathtub and did an amazing amount of clean-up in the house and garage.
- January 12, 2019 - Canceled due to lack of materials.
- January 16, 2019 - Finished taping the Visqueen seams in the crawl space, added one bolt to a garage wall bottom plate, hung all J-channel on the front house gable, insulated between floor truss cavities in the crawl space, added 2x6 studs beneath roof trusses in the rear of the house, added support under the crawl space access hole after it had been enlarged for the plumbers, hung front house gable siding until the material was exhausted, moved all of the leftover construction materials that were next to the driveway either to the dumpster or to the garage for removal by Habitat Delaware, and finished the soffit under the front porch.
- January 19, 2019 - Canceled due to snowstorm.
- January 23, 2019 - Canceled due to rain.
- January 26, 2019 - Finished the vinyl shake siding on the front gable, applied sill sealer to the union of cap plates and trusses/deadwood, sanded the high spots on the OSB flooring, erected the four front porch posts, and wrapped the four front porch posts with SmartTrim.
- January 30, 2019 - No HAAH work; contracted professional work in progress.
- February 2, 2019 - No HAAH work; contracted professional work in progress.
- February 6, 2019 - No HAAH work; contracted professional work in progress.
- February 9, 2019 - Wiped down the walls, vacuumed the floors, electrical boxes, around windows and the duct work, primed all walls, constructed and installed steps from the garage to the laundry room, and wrapped the half height porch posts.
- February 12, 2019 - Habitat Delaware Tuesday Group began interior wall painting and laid luan in both bathrooms.
- February 13, 2019 - Finished rolling first and second coats of paint on all interior walls and cut-in both coats of paint in all but two bedrooms and one closet.
- February 16, 2019 - Finished both coats of interior paint except in the bathroom where additional professional drywall work is necessary, put two coats of paint on all door trim, put two coats of paint on most of the baseboard trim, installed the kitchen cabinets and installed the bathroom vanities. Professionals began the faux rock front of the house.
- February 20, 2019 - Canceled due to Level 2 Snow Emergency.
- February 23, 2019 - Finished painting baseboards and laid all vinyl plank flooring.
- February 27, 2019 - Taped together cardboard to serve as a flooring protector path down the hall and into each room area, sanded drywall patches in the bathroom, puttied various drywall anomalies, cut window sills to fit each window, sanded and painted all window sills, put two coats of paint on door trim to be used for window aprons, put two coats of paint on three interior doors, trimmed the porch posts, cut and fit the filler panel to be attached to the left of the oven and moved all interior doors into the house.
- March 1, 2019 - Interior doors hung by Habitat partner family associate.
- March 2, 2019 - Caulked the nail holes in the interior door frames, completed the re-work of the filler panel next to the oven opening, added screws to the bottom of the upper kitchen cabinets, installed an access panel in the hot water heater closet, finished the first coat of paint on all doors, applied the second coat of paint on nine doors, installed the window sills, and caulked all window sills.
- Marh 5, 2019 - Habitat Delaware Tuesday group finished the second coat on all but two doors, began mounting towel bars in the full bathroom, cleaned and caulked all but two window frames, install front window shutters and mailbox, installed rubber toe kick on base cabinets and installed door trim and baseboard in one bedroom.
- March 6, 2019 - Cut the metal plate interfering with the access panel in the hot water heater closet, built and installed all window aprons, caulked the nail holes and seams in interior door frames and baseboards, finished the second coat of paint on all doors, rolled a third coat of paint on all flat interior door surfaces, cut and installed door trim on all but two and one-half doors, caulked nail holes on most of the door trim and painted over some of the caulked trim work.
- March 7, 2019 - Habitat Delaware Thursday group continued trim work, painted patched areas in full bathroom, installed shelving clips in closets, sanded and put one coat of paint on the blemished bedroom door, and painted the front door.
- March 9, 2019 - Finished the door casing, cut and installed the closets' and laundry room shelving, puttied more nail holes in trim work, installed all exterior and interior door knob sets, hung the two bathroom medicine cabinets, repainted the edges of the front door white, finished baseboard installation, painted some of the caulked trim work, installed most of the door stops, and caulked the front porch posts.
- March 13, 2019 - Installed shoe molding at the end of the kitchen cabinets, painted a clean edge on the front door where the color changes, scraped the blistered paint off the porch beam, applied a second coat of paint on the exterior of the door from the laundry to the garage, caulked and painted the brickmold around that door, put one coat of paint on the interior of the garage door leading to the backyard, cut and installed porch half-post caps, touched up ceiling spots hit by wall paint, remounted the base sink cabinet doors, finished caulking nail holes in trim and casing, painted over caulked nail hole areas, caulked the top of baseboards and around door casing next to the wall, almost finished caulking all door frame seams, added more caulk to window sills, put another coat of paint on window sills, installed three door stops, added trim pieces in front of the thresholds of the two exterior doors, installed three of five floor transition pieces, added support for the laundry area shelf, cleaned the bathtub, installed window blinds in the bathroom, put a second coat of paint on the porch posts and trim, put a coat of paint on the porch beam, and painted the gas line from the house to the meter.
- March 16, 2019 - Trimmed and put a first coat of paint on the attic access opening, finished installing the floor transition pieces, installed the remaining towel bar, insulated around the crawl space wall and taped the visqueen to the crawl space wall where the concrete block was not too wet to do so, installed those window blind sets that were on site and complete, replaced the porch support board that was split, installed the kitchen counter tops and backsplashes, patched various drywall anomalies and nicks, put another coat of paint on the window sills, cleaned all windows, vacuumed out the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, wiped down the kitchen cabinets, installed almost all of the porch railing system (lacking two packs of balusters), and swept up much of the house and garage.
- March 17, 2019 - Cleaned window screens.
- March 19, 2019 - Driveway and sidewalk poured; plumber finished.
- March 20, 2019 - Reinstalled the cleaned window screens, completed the porch railing system, built the frame to support the lattice on the west end of the porch, installed lattice on the west and north sides of the porch, wiped down all bedroom walls and noted their spots to be repaired or repainted, vacuumed bedroom floor in preparaton for carpet, installed the shower rod and shower curtain rings, added silicon caulk to all outside house penetrations, caulked more trim work, sanded and painted over more caulked trim work, patched the electrician's hole in the master bathroom, installed more shutter screw covers, applied silicon caulk to seams between kitchen countertops and backsplash, applied latex caulk on top of kitchen backsplashes, put first coat of paint on the exterior of the rear garage door, put second coat of paint on the porch beam, the interior of the rear garage door, and the brickmold on the garage door leading into the laundry area, drilled holes for the house address numbers, installed the safety chain for the storm door, patched drywall anomalies, replaced the broken window, and painted two stringers and Smarttrim boards for the front porch steps.
- March 21, 2019 - Painted fronts of bathroom medicine chests except for frame in master bathroom (did not want to interfere with carpet installers), put ceiling topping on attic access hole to restore dull finish to match ceiling, cleaned mud off porch railings, and painted over more caulked trim work.
- March 22, 2019 - Painted frame of master bathroom medicine cabinet, re-assembled medicine cabinets fronts, reinstalled fronts of medicine cabinets, put attic access panel back in place, puttied a few drywall anomalies, sanded and painted over some patched wall areas in the pink bedroom, removed excess silicon caulk from bathroom vanity tops, removed "flooring cardboard" from the house, and swept the vinyl plank flooring.
- March 23, 2019 - Built and and installed the lattice on the east end of the porch, built and installed the front steps to the porch, installed the remaining window blinds, finished wiping down all walls, checked the remaining walls for drywall work and touch-up painting, taped up the remaining sides of visqueen in the crawl space, completed insulation in the crawl space, put the final coat of paint on the exterior of the rear garage door, sanded drywall anomalies and touched up paint in the three bedrooms, finished caulking trim work, installed the remaining shutter screw covers, vacuumed the newly laid carpets, laid carpet protector in most of two of three bedrooms (were not provided sufficient carpet protector for all rooms), installed access handle to crawl space, cut off bottom of blue bedroom closet door to keep it from rubbing the carpet, sanded down poorly caulked trim work, painted over caulked and sanded trim work, applied drywall mud to remaining wall issues, and powerwashed the front porch, garage door and sidewalk.
- March 25, 2019 - Put a second coat of paint on all wall touch-ups in the three bedrooms, their closets and the master bathroom, sanded and put a first coat of paint on all wall touch-ups in the other rooms, painted latex caulk atop kitchen and bathroom backsplashes, and caulked around dryer vent opening.
- March 26, 2019 - Patched damaged area of SmartTrim, fit soffit back into F-channel next to electrical mast, and put a first coat of paint on the ends and caulked areas of the front porch steps.
- March 27, 2019 - Laid carpet protector in remaining bedroom areas, cleaned kitchen and bathroom cabinets again, vacuumed top of all baseboards and vinyl plank flooring areas, cleaned paint off bath tub, rolled second coat of paint over remaining wall touch-up areas, puttied two drywall issues, cleaned rear garage door, frame, brickmold and threshold of concrete splatter/spill, painted second coat of paint on the ends and caulked areas of the front porch steps, painted over remaining caulked areas, vacuumed garage, rolled up carpet pieces and bound with tape for storage in garage, painted damaged area of SmartTrim, put a final coat of paint on the brickmold of the front door, and painted over concrete splatter on SmartTrim.
- March 30, 2019 - Completed wall paint touch-up, cleaned paint off the rubber door seals, cleaned paint off the garage floor, cleaned paint off door hinges, painted the SmartTrim board edges next to the faux stone front, installed the microwave, refrigerator, oven and dishwasher, cleaned the sinks, tub, toilets, floors, and front porch, and laid paper pathways on the vinyl plank flooring.
- April 2, 2019 - Habitat Delaware Tuesday Group did landscaping.
- April 6, 2019 - Dedicated the home.
that there have been unique visitors of our group's ministry efforts.